Journal Papers

  • Yimin Xiao, Yuewen Chen, Naomi Yamashita, Yuexi Chen, Zhicheng Liu, Ge Gao, “(Dis)placed Contributions: Uncovering Hidden Hurdles to Collaborative Writing Involving Non-Native Speakers, Native Speakers, and AI-Powered Editing Tools” CSCW 2024. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI), to appear.
  • Yichao Cui, Yu-Jen Lee, Jack Jamieson, Naomi Yamashita, Yi-Chieh Lee, “Exploring Effects of Chatbot’s Interpretation and Self-disclosure on Mental Illness Stigma” CSCW 2024. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI), to appear.
  • Kazuaki Tanaka, Kentaro Oshiro, Naomi Yamashita, Hideyuki Nakanishi, “Tangible Document Sharing: Handing Over Paper Documents Across a Videoconferencing Display” Frontiers in Robotics and AI, section Human-Robot Interaction, to appear.

Refereed International Conference Papers

  • Tomu Tominaga, Naomi Yamashita, and Takeshi Kurashima, “Reassessing Evaluation Functions in Algorithmic Recourse: An Empirical Study from a Human-centered Perspective”, Proc. of the 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-24), to appear.
  • Wataru Akahori, Naomi Yamashita, Jack Jamieson, Momoko Nakatani, Ryo Hashimoto, Masahiro Watanabe, “The Impact of Social Norms on Hybrid Workers’ Well-Being: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Japan and the United States” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’24). to appear.
  • Mingzhe Yang, Hiromi Arai, Naomi Yamashita, Yukino Baba, “Fair Machine Guidance to Enhance Fair Decision Making in Biased People” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’24). to appear.
  • Jack Jamieson, Eureka Foong, Naomi Yamashita, “Predicting open source contributor turnover from value-related discussions: An analysis of GitHub issues” Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’24). to appear.

Refereed Domestic Conference Papers

  • 冨永 登夢,山下直美,倉島 健,アルゴリズミックリコースの受容可能性と実行可能性に関する暗黙的仮定の実証的検証”, インタラクション, 2024.(優秀賞受賞)


Journal Papers

  • Jack Jamieson, Naomi Yamashita, “Escaping the Walled Garden? User Perspectives of Control in Data Portability for Social Media” CSCW 2023. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI). (Honorable Mention Award) [PDF]
  • Teale W Masrani, Jack Jamieson, Naomi Yamashita, Helen Ai He, “Slowing it Down: Towards facilitating interpersonal mindfulness in online polarizing conversations over social media” CSCW 2023. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI). [PDF]
  • Xiaoyan Li, Naomi Yamashita, Wen Duan, Yoshinari Shirai, Susan Fussell, “Improving Non-Native Speakers’ Participation with an Automatic Agent in Multilingual Groups” GROUP 2023. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI). [PDF]
  • Tomu Tominaga, Yoshinori Hijikata, Naomi Yamashita, “Toward Understanding Online Impression Management: How Twitter Users Control Textual Expressions Over Time” The Journal of Web Science, to appear.
  • Ayako A. Hasegawa, Mitsuaki Akiyama, Naomi Yamashita, Daisuke Inoue, Tatsuya Mori, “Analysis of Non-Experts’ Security- and Privacy-Related Questions on a Q&A Site” Special Issue on Information and Communication System Security, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, to appear.

Refereed International Conference Papers

  • Takumi Ito, Naomi Yamashita, Tatsuki Kuribayashi, Masatoshi Hidaka, Jun Suzuki, Ge Gao, Jack Jamieson, Kentaro Inui, “How non-native English speakers use AI-powered writing support tools” Proceedings of ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST’23). [PDF]
  • Wataru Akahori, Naomi Yamashita, Jack Jamieson, Momoko Nakatani, Ryo Hashimoto, Masahiro Watanabe, “Impacts of the Strength and Conformity of Social Norms on Well-Being: A Mixed-Method Study Among Hybrid Workers in Japan” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’23). [PDF]
  • Yi-Chieh Lee, Yichao Cui, Jack Jamieson, Wayne Fu, Naomi Yamashita, “Exploring Effects of Chatbot-based Social Contact on Reducing Mental Illness Stigma” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’23). [PDF]
  • Chi-Lan Yang, Shigeo Yoshida, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Takuji Narumi, Naomi Yamashita, “Affective Profile Pictures: Exploring the Effects of Changing Facial Expressions in Profile Pictures on Text-Based Communication” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’23). [PDF]
  • Eureka Foong, Jack Jamieson, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Naomi Yamashita, Tomoki Nishida, “EaseOut: A Cross-Cultural Study of the Impact
    of a Conversation Agent on Leaving Video Meetings Early” Human-Computer Interaction-INTERACT 2023: 19th IFIP TC 13 International Conference (INTERACT’23). to appear.

Refereed Domestic Conference Papers

  • 赤堀渉,ジャックジェーミソン,山下直美,中谷桃子,橋本遼,渡辺 昌洋,ハイブリッド勤務における社会規範が職場のウェルビーイングに及ぼす影響”, インタラクション, 2023.(優秀賞受賞)


Journal Papers

  • Ge Gao, Jian Zheng, Eun Kyoung Choe, Naomi Yamashita, “Taking a Language Detour: How International Migrants Speaking a Minority Language Seek COVID-Related Information in Their Host Countries” CSCW 2022. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI). [PDF]
  • Jack Jamieson, Eureka Foong, Naomi Yamashita, “Maintaining Values: Navigating perspectives of diverse stakeholders in open source development” CSCW 2022. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI). [PDF]
  • Yichao Cui, Naomi Yamashita, Yi-Chieh Lee, “”We Gather Together, We Collaborate Together”: Exploring the Challenges and Strategies of Chinese Sexual-minority Women’s Online Communities on Weibo” CSCW 2022. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI), (Recognition for contribution to Diversity and Inclusion). [PDF]
  • Chi-Lan Yang, Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Hao-Chuan Wang, Eureka Foong, “Distance Matters to Weak Ties: Exploring How Workers Perceive Their Strongly- and Weakly-Connected Collaborators in Remote Workplpaces” GROUP 2022. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI), 2022. [PDF]
  • Jack Jamieson, Rhonda McEwen, Naomi Yamashita, “Bridging the Open Web and APIs: Alternative Social Media Alongside the Corporate Web,” Social Media+ Society, 2022. [PDF]
  • Ayako Akiyama Hasegawa, Naomi Yamashita, Mitsuaki Akiyama, Tatsuya Mori, “Experiences, Behavioral Tendencies, and Concerns of Non-Native English Speakers in Identifying Phishing Emails,” In Journal of Information Processing (JIP), Vol.30, pages 841-858. 2022. (Specially Selected Paper) [PDF]
  • 赤堀渉,中谷桃子,橋本遼,山下直美 “COVID-19の流行による在宅勤務時の職場の同僚間の関係性とメンタルヘルスの分析”,情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.63, No.2, 401-412.

Refereed International Conference Papers

  • Angela Rodolico, Qingxiaoyang Zhu, Naomi Yamashita, Hao-Chuan Wang, “Understanding the Effects of Profile Display in Multilingual Computer-Mediated Team Formation,” The 25th ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing (CSCW’22), poster paper. [PDF]
  • Ayako Akiyama Hasegawa, Naomi Yamashita, Tatsuya Mori, Daisuke Inoue, Mitsuaki Akiyama, “Understanding Non-Experts’ Security- and Privacy-Related Questions on a Q&A Site,” The Eighteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS’22). [PDF]
  • Jack Jamieson, Daniel Epstein, Yunan Chen, Naomi Yamashita, “Unpacking Intention and Behavior: Explaining Contact Tracing App Adoption and Hesitancy in the United States” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’22).(Honorable Mention Award)[PDF]
  • Yichao Cui, Naomi Yamashita, Mingjie Liu, Yi-Chieh Lee, “”So Close, yet so Far”: Exploring Sexual-Minority Women’s Relationship Building via Online Dating in China” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’22). [PDF]


Journal Papers

  • Jack Jamieson, Naomi Yamashita, Daniel Epstein, Yunan Chen, “Deciding If and How to Use a COVID-19 Contact Tracing App: Influences of Social Factors on Individual Use in Japan” CSCW 2021. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI), 2021. [PDF]
  • Wen Duan, Naomi Yamashita, Yoshinari Shirai, Susan Fussell, “Bridging Fluency Disparity between Native and Nonnative Speakers in Multilingual Multiparty Collaboration Using A Clarification Agent” CSCW 2021. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI), 2021. [PDF]
  • Yi-Chieh Lee, Naomi Yamashita, Yun Huang, “Exploring the Effects of Incorporating Human Experts to Deliver Journaling Guidance through a Chatbot” CSCW 2021. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI), 2021. [PDF]

Refereed International Conference Papers

  • Amanda Baughan, Nigini Oliveria, Tal August, Naomi Yamashita, Katharina Reinecke, “Do Cross-Cultural Differences in Visual Attention Patterns Affect Search Efficiency on Websites?” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’21), pp. 1-12, 2021.(Honorable Mention Award)[PDF]
  • Ayako Akiyama Hasegawa, Naomi Yamashita, Mitsuaki Akiyama, Tatsuya Mori, “Why They Ignore English Emails: The Challenges of Non-Native Speakers in Identifying Phishing Emails,” The Seventeenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS’21), pp. 319-338, 2021. [PDF]

Refereed Domestic Conference Papers

  • 赤堀渉,中谷桃子,橋本遼,山下直美, “在宅勤務が職場の関係性及びメンタルヘルスに及ぼす影響”, インタラクション, 2021.(ベストペーパー賞受賞)(山下記念研究賞受賞) [PDF]

Before 2020

Journal Papers

  • Yi-Chieh Lee, Naomi Yamashita, Yun Huang, “Designing a Chatbot as a Mediator for Promoting Deep Self-Disclosure to a Real Mental Health Professional” CSCW 2020. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI), pp.1-27, 2020. [PDF]
  • Wen Duan, Naomi Yamashita, Susan Fussell, “Increasing Native Speakers’ Awareness of the Need to Slow Down in Multilingual Conversations Using a Real-Time Speech Speedometer,” CSCW 2019. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI), pp.1-25, 2019. [PDF]
  • 山下直美,葛岡英明,山本英弥,荒牧英治,平田圭二,工藤喬,服部一樹 “うつ病患者を介護する家族間の情報共有が家庭内コミュニケーションに及ぼす影響”,情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.60, No.9, pp.1580-1593, 2019.[PDF]
  • Zhengqing Li, Shio Miyafuji, Toshiki Sato, Naomi Yamashita, Hideki Koike, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Impact of Display Shapes on Symmetric 360° Video Communication For Remote Collaboration, 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, 24 (2), pp. 165-176, 2019. [PDF]
  • 田中一晶,大城健太郎,山下直美,中西英之, “遠隔窓口システム:手書きの紙書類共有によるソーシャルテレプレゼンスの強化”,情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.60, No.2, pp.411-418, 2019.[PDF]
  • Mei-Ling Chen, Naomi Yamashita, Hao-Chuan Wang, “Beyond Lingua Franca: System-Facilitated Language Switching Diversifies Participation in Multiparty Multilingual Communication,” CSCW 2018. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI), pp.1-22, 2018. [PDF]
  • Xun Cao, Naomi Yamashita, Toru Ishida, “Effects of Automated Transcripts on Non-native Speakers’ Listening Comprehension,” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E101-D,No.03, pp. 730-739, 2018.[PDF]
  • Helen He, Naomi Yamashita, Chat Wacharamanotham, Andrea B. Horn, Jenny Schmid, Elaine M. Huang, “Two Sides to Every Story: Mitigating Intercultural Conflict through Automated Feedback and Shared Self-Reflections in Global Virtual Teams,” CSCW 2018. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM HCI), pp.1-21, 2018.[PDF]
  • 武川直樹, 中山知大, 徳永弘子, 大和淳司, 山下直美, “グループディスカッションにおける発言者の言語/非言語の表出と評価者評価の関係の分析,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, Vol.J101-D, No. 2, pp. 284-293, 2018. [PDF]
  • Ari Hautasaari, Naomi Yamashita, Ge Gao, “How Non-Native English Speakers Perceive the Emotional Valence of Messages in Text-Based Computer Mediated Communication,” Discourse Processes,56 (1), pp. 24-40, 2017.[PDF]
  • 山下直美, 葛岡英明, 平田圭二, 工藤喬, 荒牧英治,服部一樹, “みまもメイト:「見守る側」と「見守られる側」をつなぐヘルスケアアプリケーション,” 情報処理学会論文誌,Vol. 58, No. 5, pp. 981-993, 2017.[PDF]
  • 葛岡英明,木村諒,田代祐己,久保田善彦,鈴木栄幸,加藤浩,山下直美, “タンジブル学習環境を利用した効果的な学習手順の検討” 教育システム情報学会誌(実践論文),Vol.34, No. 2, 2017.[PDF]
  • Takuya Maekawa, Naomi Yamashita, Yasushi Sakurai, “How Well Can a User’s Location Privacy Preferences be Determined Without Using GPS Location Data?,” IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, pp. 526-539, 2017.[PDF]
  • Paul Luff,Christian Heath, Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Marina Jirotka, “Embedded Reference: Translocating gestures in video-mediated interactions,” Research on Language and Social Interaction,pp. 1-20, 2016.[PDF]
  • 田中一晶,山下直美, 中西英之, 石黒浩, “自律・遠隔操作の曖昧化によるロボット操作者との対話感覚の創出,” 情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.57, No.4, pp.1108-1115, 2016.[PDF]
  • 山下直美, 葛岡英明, 平田圭二, 工藤喬, “うつ病患者の家族看護者が抱える社会的負担を構成する要素の解明,” 情報処理学会論文誌,Vol. 55, No. 7, pp. 1706-1715, 2014.[PDF]
  • 葛岡英明, 鈴木靖幸, 山下直美, 加藤浩, 鈴木栄幸, 久保田善彦, “天文学習のためのタンジブル学習環境に関するデザイン原則の検討,” 日本科学教育学会論文誌, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 65-74, 2014.[PDF]
  • ヤェムヴィボル, 葛岡英明, 山下直美, 太田祥一, 竹内保男, “外装型触力覚提示装置を用いた技能教育手法に関する研究,” バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会誌, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 11-20, 2013.[PDF]
  • 山下直美, アンディエチェニーク, 石田亨,葛岡英明,”国際電話会議の負担を軽減する手法の提案と評価,”情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.54, No.6, pp.1794-1806, 2013.[PDF]
  • Paul Luff, Marina Jirotka, Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Christian Heath, Grace Eden, “Embedded Interaction: the accomplishment of actions in everyday and video-mediated environments,” ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 20(1): 6 (2013).[PDF]
  • 山下直美, 梶克彦, 葛岡英明,平田圭二,青柳滋己, “遠隔ユーザのジェスチャの可視性を向上させる手法の提案と評価,”情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.52, No.1, 2011. (情報処理学会2011年度 論文賞受賞 )[PDF]
  • 白井良成, 青柳滋己, 山下直美,平田圭二, “円形テーブルを共有するテレビ会議システムの構築,”バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, ショートペーパー,Vol.15, No.2, 2010.
  • 山下直美, 葛岡英明, 平田圭二, 青柳滋己, 白井良成, 梶克彦, 原田康徳, “身体の動きを伴う遠隔協調作業における上半身映像の効果,”情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.51, No.4, 2010.[PDF]
  • Keiji Hirata, Yasunori Harada, Toshihiro Takada, Naomi Yamashita, Shigemi Aoyagi, Yoshinari Shirai, Katsuhiko Kaji, Junji Yamato, Kenji Nakazawa ” Basic Design of Video Communication System Enabling Users to Move Around in Shared Space,”IEICE Journal, Vol.E92-C, No.11, 2009.[PDF]
  • 山下直美, 平田圭二, 青柳滋己, 葛岡英明, 梶克彦, 原田康徳, “座席配置替えが遠隔コミュニケーションに及ぼす影響について,”情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 50, No. 4, 2009.[PDF]
  • 稲葉利江子, 山下直美, 石田亨, 葛岡英明, “機械翻訳を用いた3言語間コミュニケーションの相互理解の分析,”電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol. J92-D, No. 6, 2009.[PDF]
  • Cho Heeryon, 石田亨, 山下直美, 稲葉利江子, 高崎俊之, 神田智子, “絵文字解釈における人間の文化差判定,”ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌, 2008.[PDF]
  • Naomi Yamashita, Keiji Hirata, Toshihiro Takada, Yasunori Harada, Yoshinari Shirai, Shigemi Aoyagi, “Effects of Room-sized Sharing on Remote Collaboration on Physical Tasks,”IPSJ Journal, Digital Courier, Vol. 3, 2007.[PDF]
  • 山下直美, 石田亨, “翻訳機を用いた対話における参照方法に関する分析,”情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 48, No. 2, 2007.[PDF]
  • 山下直美, 坂本知子, 野村早恵子, 石田亨, 小倉健太郎, 林良彦, 井佐原均, “機械翻訳へのユーザ適応と書き換えに関する教示効果の分析,”情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 47, No. 4, 2006.[PDF]
  • 山下直美, 石田亨, 平田圭二, “機械翻訳を用いた対話における思い違いに関する分析,”情報処理学会論文誌, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2006.[PDF]
  • 山下直美, 石田亨, 野村早恵子, 早水哲雄, “電子メールを用いた組織間交渉事例の分析,” 情報処理学会論文誌, 2002.[PDF]

Refereed International Conference Papers

  • Yi-Chieh Lee, Naomi Yamashita, Wai Fu, Yun Huang, “”I Hear You, I Feel You”: Encouraging Deep Self-disclosure through a Chatbot” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’20), pp.1-12, 2020. [PDF]
  • Amanda Baughan, Tal August, Naomi Yamashita, Katharina Reinecke, “Keep it Simple: How Visual Preferences for Simple or Complex Webites Impact Search Efficiency”, Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’20), pp.1-10, 2020. [PDF]
  • Seokwoo Song, Naomi Yamashita, John Kim, “Bodeum: Encouraging Working Parents to Provide Emotional Support for Stay-at-Home Parents in Korea”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth’20), pp.38-49, 2020. [PDF]
  • Hui Chen Chou, Donghui Lin, Toru Ishida, Naomi Yamashita, “Understanding Open Collaboration of Wikipedia Good Articles”, 22nd International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction (HCII2020), to appear.
  • Masamune Kawasaki, Naomi Yamashita, Yi-Chieh Lee, Kayoko Nohara, “Assessing Users’ Mental Status from their Journaling Behavior through Chatbots”, Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA’20), 2020. [PDF]
  • Yi-Chieh Lee, Naomi Yamashita, Yun Huang, “Let’s Work Together: Integrating Human Support with Conversational Agents”, Microsoft New Future of Work Symposium (NFW), 2020.
  • Tomohiro Sakai, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Naomi Yamashita, “Proposal of a System to Investigate the Effect of Sharing Stress Values among Family Caregivers of Dementia Patients” Proceedings of International Conference on Mechanical, Electrical and Medical Intelligent System 2019. to appear. [invited paper]
  • Zhengqing Li, Shio Miyafuji, Erwin Wu, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Naomi Yamashita, Hideki Koike, “OmniGlobe: An Interactive I/O System For Symmetric 360-Degree Video Communication,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’19), pp. 1427-1438, 2019. [PDF]
  • Mondheera Pituxcoosuvarn, Toru Ishida, Naomi Yamashita, Toshiyuki Takasaki, Yumiko Mori “Machine Translation Usage in a Children’s Workshop” Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference on Collaboration Technologies (CollabTech’18), pp.59-73, 2018.[PDF]
  • Zhengqing Li, Shio Miyafuji, Toshiki Sato, Hideki Koike, Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka , “How Display Shapes Affect 360-Degree Panoramic Video Communication,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’18), pp. 845-856, 2018.[PDF]
  • Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Takashi Kudo, Keiji Hirata, Eiji Aramaki, Kazuki Hattori “How Information Sharing about Care Recipients by Family Caregivers Impacts Family Communication,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’18), pp.1-13, 2018.[PDF]
  • Mei-Ling Chen, Naomi Yamashita, Hao-Chuan Wang “Come Together: Facilitating Collocated Multilingual Group Discussion with a Language Support Tool,” Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA’18).[PDF]
  • Wen Duan, Naomi Yamashita, Sun Young Hwang, Susan R. Fussell “Let Me Ask Them to Clarify If You Don’t Want To” – A Clarification Agent for Nonnative Speakers,” Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA’18).[PDF]
  • Mondheera Pituxcoosuvarn, Toru Ishida, Naomi Yamashita, Toshiyuki Takasaki, Yumiko Mori “Supporting a Children’s Workshop with Machine Translation” ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interface (IUI’18), IUI Companion 2018, 32:1-32:2.[PDF]
  • Jack Jamieson, Naomi Yamashita, Jeffrey Boase, “Identifying Support Opportunities for Foreign Students: Disentangling Language and Non-language Problems Among a Unique Population,” Human-Computer Interaction-INTERACT 2017: 16th IFIP TC 13 International Conference (INTERACT’17), pp.33-53.[PDF]
  • Hideyuki Nakanishi, Kazuaki Tanaka, Ryoji Kato, Xing Geng, Naomi Yamashita, “Robotic Table and Bench Enhance Mirror Type Social Telepresence,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’17), pp.779-790.[PDF]
  • Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Keiji Hirata, Takashi Kudo, Eiji Aramaki, Kazuki Hattori “Changing Moods: How Manual Tracking by Family Caregivers Improve Caring and Family Communication,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’17), pp.158-169.[PDF]
  • Christian Licoppe, Paul Luff, Christian Heath, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Naomi Yamashita, Sylvaine Tuncer, ” Showing Objects: holding and manipulating artefacts in video-mediated collaborative settings,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’17), pp. 5295-5306.
  • Ari Hautasaari, Naomi Yamashita, Takashi Kudo, “Role of CMC in Emotional Support for Depressed Foreign Students in Japan,” Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA’17), pp. 2614-2621, 2017.[PDF]
  • Helen He, Naomi Yamashita, Ari Hautasaari, Xun Cao, Elaine Huang, “Why Did They Do That? Exploring Attribution Mismatches Between Native and Non-Native Speakers Using Videoconferencing,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW’17), pp. 297-309.[PDF]
  • Mei-Hua Pan, Naomi Yamashita, Hao-Chuan Wang, “Task Rebalancing: Improving Multilingual Communication with Native Speakers-Generated Highlights on Automated Transcripts,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW’17), pp. 310-321.[PDF]
  • Hideaki Kuzuoka, Ryo Kimura, Yuki Tashiro, Yoshihiko Kubota, Hideyuki Suzuki, Hiroshi Kato, Naomi Yamashita, “Thoughts on Effective Learning Procedure for Tangible Learning Environment Based on Embodied Design,” (HCII’17), pp. 331-340.[PDF]
  • Xun Cao, Naomi Yamashita, Toru Ishida, “Investigating the Impact of Automated Transcripts on Non-native Speakers’ Listening Comprehension,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Multimodal Interface (ICMI’16), pp. 121-128.[PDF]
  • Xun Cao, Naomi Yamashita, Toru Ishida, “How Non-Native Speakers Perceive Listening Comprehension Problems: Implications for Adaptive Support Technologies,” Proceedings of The Eighth International Conference on Collaboration Technologies (CollabTech’16), pp.89-104. (Best Paper Award )[PDF]
  • Kazuaki Tanaka, Naomi Yamashita, Hideyuki Nakanishi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, “Teleoperated or Autonomous?: How to Produce a Robot Operator’s Pseudo Presence in HRI,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI’16), pp.133-140.[PDF]
  • Ari Hautasaari, Naomi Yamashita, “Emotion Detection in Non-Native English Speakers’ Text-Only Messages by Native and Non-Native Speakers,” Proceedings of International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT’15), pp.183-200.[PDF]
  • Ge Gao, Naomi Yamashita, Ari Hautasaari, Susan Fussell, “Improving Multilingual Collaboration by Displaying How Non-native Speakers Use Automated Transcripts and Bilingual Dictionaries,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’15), pp.3463-3472. (Honorable Mention Award )[PDF]
  • Paul Luff, Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Christian Heath, ” Flexible Ecologies And Incongruent Locations,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’15), pp. 877-886. (Honorable Mention Award )
  • Hideaki Kuzuoka, Naomi Yamashita, Hiroshi Kato, Hideyuki Suzuki, Yoshihiko Kubota, “Tangible Earth: Tangible Learning Environment for Astronomy Education,” Proceedings of Human Agent Interaction (HAI’14), pp. 23-27.[PDF]
  • Ari Hautasaari, Naomi Yamashita, “Do Automated Transcripts Help Non-Native Speakers Catch Up on Missed Conversation in Audio Conferences?,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Collaboration Across Boundaries (CABS’14), pp. 65-72.[PDF]
  • Andy Echenique, Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Ari Hautasaari “Effects of Video and Text Support on Grounding in Multilingual Multiparty Audio Conferencing,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Collaboration Across Boundaries (CABS’14), pp. 73-81.[PDF]
  • Ari Hautasaari, Naomi Yamashita, “Catching Up in Audio Conferences: Highlighting Keywords in ASR Transcripts for Non-native Speakers,” Extended Abstracts of ACM Conference on Collaboration Across Boundaries (CABS’14), late-breaking paper, pp. 107-110.[PDF]
  • Vibol Yem, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Naomi Yamashita, Shoichi Ohta, Yasuo Takeuchi, “Hand-Skill Learning using Outer-Covering Haptic Display,” Proceedings of EuroHaptics’14, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 201-207.[PDF]
  • Ari Hautasaari, Naomi Yamashita, Ge Gao, “Maybe It Was a Joke – Emotion Detection in Text-Only Communication by Non-Native English Speakers,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’14), pp. 3715-3724.[PDF]
  • Ge Gao, Naomi Yamashita, Ari Hautasaari, Andy Echenique, Susan Fussell, “Effects of Public vs. Private Automated Transcripts on Multiparty Communication between Native and Non-Native English Speakers,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’14), pp. 843-852.[PDF]
  • Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Keiji Hirata, Takashi Kudo, “Understanding the Conflicting Demands of Family Caregivers Caring for Depressed Family Members,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’13), pp. 2637-2646.[PDF]
  • Naomi Yamashita, Andy Echenique, Toru Ishida, Ari Hautsaari, “Lost in Transmittance: How Transmission Lag Enhances and Deteriorates Multilingual Collaboration,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW’13), pp. 923-934.[PDF]
  • Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka “Detecting Value Differences behind Intercultural Meetings,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Intercultural Collaboration (ICIC’12), late-breaking paper, to appear, 2012.[PDF]
  • Vibol Yem, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Naomi Yamashita, Ryota Shibusawa, Hiroaki Yano, Jun Yamashita “Assisting Hand Skill Transfer of Tracheal Intubation Using Outer-Covering Haptic Display,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’12), pp. 3177-3180, 2012.[PDF]
  • Linsi Xia, Naomi Yamashita, Toru Ishida, ” Analysis on Multilingual Discussion for Wikipedia Translation,” Proceedings of International Conference on Culture and Computing, pp. 104-109, 2012.[PDF]
  • Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Keiji Hirata, Shigemi Aoyagi, Yoshinari Shirai ” Supporting Fluid Tabletop Collaboration across Distances,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’11), pp. 2827-2836, 2011.[PDF]
  • Paul Luff, Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Christian Heath, ” Hands on Hitchcock: Embodied Reference to a Moving Scene,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’11), pp. 43-52, 2011.
  • Naomi Yamashita, Katsuhiko Kaji, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Keiji Hirata, ” Improving Visibility of Remote Gestures in Distributed Tabletop Collaboration,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW’11), pp. 95-104, 2011.[PDF]
  • Toru Ishida, Naomi Yamashita ” Supporting Multilingual Communities,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW’11), tutorial, 2011.
  • Katsuhiko Kaji, Naomi Yamashita, Keiji Hirata ” A Method for Supporting Recognition of Remote Gestures in Video Communication System,” Proceedings of ASIAGRAPH (ASIAGRAPH’09), pp.84-89, 2009.
  • Naomi Yamashita, Rieko Inaba, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Toru Ishida “Difficulties in Establishing Common Ground in Multiparty Groups using Machine Translation,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’09), pp. 679-688, 2009.[PDF]
  • Heeryon Cho, Naomi Yamashita and Toru Ishida “Towards Culturally-Situated Agent Which Can Detect Cultural Differences,” Pacific Rim International Conference on Multi-Agents, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 5044, Springer-Verlag, pp. 458-463, 2009.[PDF]
  • Heeryon Cho, Toru Ishida, Naomi Yamashita, Tomoko Koda, Toshiyuki Takasaki “Human Detection of Cultural Differences in Pictogram Interpretations,” ACM International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration (IWIC’09 ), pp.165-174, 2009.
  • Keiji Hirata, Yasunori Harada, Toshihiro Takada, Shigemi Aoyagi, Yoshinari Shirai, Naomi Yamashita, Katsuhiko Kaji, Junji Yamato, and Kenji Nakazawa “t-Room: Next Generation Video Communication System,” Proceedings of World Telecommunications Congress at IEEE Globecom (WTC’08), 2008.[PDF]
  • Naomi Yamashita, Keiji Hirata, Shigemi Aoyagi, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Yasunori Harada “Impact of Seating Positions on Group Video Communication,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW’08), pp. 177-186, 2008.[PDF]
  • Keiji Hirata, Katsuhiko Kaji, Yasunori Harada, Naomi Yamashita, Shigemi Aoyagi “t-Room: Remote Collaboration Apparatus Enhancing Spatio-Temporal Experiences,” Adjunct Electronic Proceedings of Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW’08), poster paper, 2008.[PDF]
  • Keiji Hirata, Yasunori Harada, Toshihiro Takada, Naomi Yamashita, Shigemi Aoyagi, Yoshinari Shirai, Katsuhiko Kaji, Junji Yamato, and Kenji Nakazawa “Video Communication System Supporting Spatial Cues of Mobile Users,” Proceedings of IPSJ Conference on Collaboration Technologies (CollabTech’08), pp. 122-127, 2008.[PDF]
  • Naomi Yamashita, Keiji Hirata, Toshihiro Takada, Yasunori Harada “How Coherent Environments Support Remote Gestures,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI’08), short paper, pp. 297-300, 2008.[PDF]
  • Heeryon Cho, Naomi Yamashita and Toru Ishida “Towards Culturally-Situated Agent Which Can Detect Cultural Differences,” Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents (PRIMA’07 ), pp.458-463, 2007.[PDF]
  • Heeryon Cho, Toru Ishida, Naomi Yamashita, Rieko Inaba, Yumiko Mori and Tomoko Koda “Culturally-Situated Pictogram Retrieval,” The First International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration (IWIC’07), In T. Ishida, S.R. Fussell, P.T.J.M. Vossen (eds.): Intercultural Collaboration I. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, Springer-Verlag, pp.221-235, 2007.[PDF]
  • Naomi Yamashita, Toru Ishida, “Effects of Machine Translation on Collaborative Work,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW’06), pp. 515-524, 2006.[PDF]
  • Naomi Yamashita, Toru Ishida, “Automatic Prediction of Misconceptions in Multilingual Computer-Mediated Communication,” Proceedings of ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interface (IUI’06), pp. 62-69, 2006.[PDF]
  • Naomi Yamashita, Toru Ishida, “Analyzing Misconceptions in Multilingual Computer-Mediated Communication,” Proceedings of ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP’05), poster paper, pp. 352-353, 2005.[PDF]
  • Saeko Nomura, Toru Ishida, Mika Yasuoka, Naomi Yamashita, Kaname Funakoshi,
    “Open Source Software Development with Your Mother Language: Intercultural Collaboration Experiment 2002,”10th International Conference on Human – Computer Interaction (HCII2003), June 2003, Crete, Greece.[PDF]
  • Naomi Yamashita, Toru Ishida, “Event Analysis: A Method which Characterizes an Event through Community Pattern Changes,” International Sunbelt Social Network Conference XXII, 2002.

Refereed Domestic Conference Papers

  • 大石悠介,冨永登夢,土方嘉徳,山下直美, “ソ-シャルメディアにおける意図の相違の調査”,インタラクション, 2019.[PDF]
  • 山下直美, 葛岡英明, 平田圭二, 荒牧英治, 工藤喬,服部一樹, “家族介護者同士の情報共有が家庭内コミュニケーションに及ぼす影響”,インタラクション, 2018.[PDF]
  • 山下直美, 葛岡英明, 平田圭二, 工藤喬, 荒牧英治,服部一樹, “みまもメイト:家族介護者のための介護記録用Web アプリの開発とその効果”,インタラクション, 2016.(ベストペーパー賞受賞)(山下記念研究賞受賞)[PDF]
  • 田中一晶,宇野弘晃,山下直美,中西英之,石黒浩,”ロボット操作者の偽存在感によるソーシャルテレプレゼンスの生成”,インタラクション, 2015.[PDF]
  • 葛岡英明, 村上舜,冨士原照久,山下直美, エチェニーケアンディ, 原田悦子, “家電製品の操作圧力計測によるユーザビリティ評価の支援に関する研究”,インタラクション, 2014.[PDF]
  • 山下直美, 葛岡英明, 平田圭二, 工藤喬, “うつ病患者の家族看護者のための情報通信技術の検討”,日本精神神経学会学術総会, 2013.
  • 梶克彦, 山下直美, 平田圭二, “ビデオコミュニケーションシステムにおいてジェスチャ認識を支援する映像効果の実装”, FIT 2009.[PDF]
  • 山下直美, 石田亨, “機械翻訳を用いた対話における思い違いの定量化手法の提案, FIT 2005.(FIT2005 ヤングリサーチャー賞受賞)[PDF]
  • 野村早恵子, 石田亨, 山下直美, 安岡美佳, 船越要, “翻訳エージェントの可能性: 異文化コラボレーション実験ICE2002報告,” エージェント合同シンポジウム JAWS 2002, 2002.